Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Where Did You Come From?

Looking back on my childhood, I realized something....I don't remember it. It's weird, people can look back and recall vivid details about what they were doing when the were 6, etc. I can't. I remember specific embarrasing events, but nothing really beyond that from when I could think until I was 12 or so.

Take this for example:

My childhood home. I can't really remember much about it, except when we lived there it didn't have the god awful fence and bars over the windows. I have very few memories of the house, I can't really recall specific details and such, and it's kind of sad. It's like my life started at 13 at the house after that.

Where are my pleasant childhood memories? What about me eating crayons while drawing on the wall? Did I do anything like that? Photos suggest I did something along those lines, but not even that can job my memory as to what I did in my pre-teen years. Kind of sad if you ask me.

Friday, September 24, 2004

When The Cat's Away...

My boss is off today, so of course, that means we're all doing less work here. Take Marlon for example:

What's funny is that by the end of the day, we'll have turned out the same output we would've if he was here, we just wouldn't have been as open about it. That's the funny thing about work, the more comfortable you are with your working enviornment, the better you are likely to produce. Like when they allowed people to bring in and listen to radios, instead of their mind wandering from the boredom of monotony, now they get to hum along with the latest top 40 pop trash.

Now I'm not saying napping is essentially good for the job, but on days like this, it doesn't hurt, that's for sure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Back To School

To me, going to school is like ripping off a band-aid. It's best to do it all at once, and just get it over with. Every delay from when you start until you finish is just another pulled hair in the arm of life.

Don't get me wrong, I love school. I love learning. I just absolutely hate testing. And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm taking a break in between studying for the test I have that's in 1 hour. Scholastic testing (especially in high school) is in no way a measure of how much you know, rather how long you studied the night before. I got average grades in high school, but I can pretty much guarantee that I know more on the subjects now then the top 5% of my class simply because of how they studied. They would stay up until 3am the night before a test, trying to retain as much information they could, so that they could spit it onto a piece of paper 8 hours later, but it is long gone 8 years later. They were studying to pass, not studying to learn. And that's simply a shame.

I got back my first test from my Spanish class, and while it was an A (96%) I was somewhat dissapointed. I knew I had messed up on some parts, but since the answers I was giving were stuff we hadn't covered, she let the mistakes in them slide. Oh well.

Sorry it's been a while, trying to keep up two blogs, school, and work is getting the best of me. Not to mention all the other stuff I'm going through in my life. I'll have an update in a little while.

Monday, September 13, 2004

My Nephew

I say I'm going to update a lot, and then take days between, story of my life.

Here's a picture I took of my nephew. It's adorably cute, he's really rather photogenic. If you look closely enough, he's actually smiling for the camera.

Although he's a biter, I'm really hoping he outgrows that stage.

His name is Tonka, and he's a pure bred Golden.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Starting Anew

Like the title of this blog says, my life is somewhat of a re-birth right now. I'm having to do things I never thought I'd do again, and just for shits and giggles (and a lack of anything else to do) I decided to chronicle my life, for the amusement of me, because who else is going to read this shit.

For those of you that know me, it appears that my marriage of 3 years is pretty much over. Explainations why I don't think are necessary, we'll just leave it as 'I chased away the best person I could have dreamed of'. That being said, those that don't know me, consider yourselves caught up.

Other stuff about me? Let's see, I hate my job, it's extremely unchallenging and boring, I'm going back to college after a 7 year haitus, I love movies, TV, and playing poker into the wee hours of the night.

I'll update this blog 1 or more times a day, or not for a couple of weeks. The way it's going, I think it'll be multiple times a day, as I already have written out a bunch of updates, just never posted them. Now that I have the shitty intro out of the way, I can get to the rest of the posts.