Friday, September 24, 2004

When The Cat's Away...

My boss is off today, so of course, that means we're all doing less work here. Take Marlon for example:

What's funny is that by the end of the day, we'll have turned out the same output we would've if he was here, we just wouldn't have been as open about it. That's the funny thing about work, the more comfortable you are with your working enviornment, the better you are likely to produce. Like when they allowed people to bring in and listen to radios, instead of their mind wandering from the boredom of monotony, now they get to hum along with the latest top 40 pop trash.

Now I'm not saying napping is essentially good for the job, but on days like this, it doesn't hurt, that's for sure.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger Mrs. M-W said...

hehe... wish I had a couch to cleep on. Well there are some in the common area, but to many students to witness the snooze.


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