Back To School
To me, going to school is like ripping off a band-aid. It's best to do it all at once, and just get it over with. Every delay from when you start until you finish is just another pulled hair in the arm of life.
Don't get me wrong, I love school. I love learning. I just absolutely hate testing. And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that I'm taking a break in between studying for the test I have that's in 1 hour. Scholastic testing (especially in high school) is in no way a measure of how much you know, rather how long you studied the night before. I got average grades in high school, but I can pretty much guarantee that I know more on the subjects now then the top 5% of my class simply because of how they studied. They would stay up until 3am the night before a test, trying to retain as much information they could, so that they could spit it onto a piece of paper 8 hours later, but it is long gone 8 years later. They were studying to pass, not studying to learn. And that's simply a shame.
I got back my first test from my Spanish class, and while it was an A (96%) I was somewhat dissapointed. I knew I had messed up on some parts, but since the answers I was giving were stuff we hadn't covered, she let the mistakes in them slide. Oh well.
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