Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Where Did You Come From?

Looking back on my childhood, I realized something....I don't remember it. It's weird, people can look back and recall vivid details about what they were doing when the were 6, etc. I can't. I remember specific embarrasing events, but nothing really beyond that from when I could think until I was 12 or so.

Take this for example:

My childhood home. I can't really remember much about it, except when we lived there it didn't have the god awful fence and bars over the windows. I have very few memories of the house, I can't really recall specific details and such, and it's kind of sad. It's like my life started at 13 at the house after that.

Where are my pleasant childhood memories? What about me eating crayons while drawing on the wall? Did I do anything like that? Photos suggest I did something along those lines, but not even that can job my memory as to what I did in my pre-teen years. Kind of sad if you ask me.


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