Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Saga Begins

Last night I took yet another first step in my life. This time I was stepping towards a new job. I have been at my same job for over 7 years. Yeah, yeah, job stability. Blow me. This job is a drain on both me, and anyone who comes in contact with me. My current job is like a vampire, slowly sucking the life out of me and it is time for a change.

So last night I started training for a new job, I joined an already in progress class, but I really don't think I'm that far behind many of the other people. I just need to work on my mechanics, and then from there, it should be fine. I'm excited though, it could be a lot of fun.

lou lou lou, i got some apples...


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Watchout, I'm a badass

That's right, fear me bitches. I have a rep and once you get those, they never leave you. Ever. Well, until you get married, born again, die. Whatever. Conversation between my friend and I earlier.

F: I know... it's that sieze the day mentality!
B: I'm going to hell
F: Yes you are
B: 2 times!!
B: Just kidding, I'm not bad at all
F: You're really bad compared to me
B: lol, thanks
B: bastard
B: But then again, so is a racoon
F: True dat
B: mainly just because of the bandit mask

I really should log more of my instant messenger conversations, sometimes I'm just brilliant or we get into an incredibly funny exchange.

It's fun teasing the friends, I live a different lifestyle then the one I used to have and share with them. I'm more of a free bird and enjoy living a different life.

I enjoy driving during a monsoon to play poker at 11pm at night. :) who doesn't?!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Diligent Employee

So I just got out of a meeting with the boss and the rest of the staff here (read: 2 other people) and I must say I was completely inspired. For the first time in a long time I felt that I had a purpose, that my job here has a new meaning. I was was like I was listening to the Muhammed Ali of speakers as he bobbed and weaved a tapestry of fine prose that left all of us speechless before his conclusion where we erupted into a bold fury of applause.

Actually he offered us $5 per e-mail address from our customers in the next month. Guess who just got a poker bankroll!

Monday, March 20, 2006


Looking Back

So I decided for fun to look back in my blog to exactly a year ago and see what was written back then.

One year ago I was fantasizing about trecking out to the desert to try and win back the heart of someone who had just filed for divorce from me. Lucky for me I didn't. That would've been both PATHETIC and uneventful.

Aside from that, there were very few posts last March. Oh yeah, there was an interesting part about Me from a year ago:

I had just had my car broken into!!

Seriously, how odd is that?! Almost exactly to the day. Wow. That's just weird.

Next March I'm taking a vacation.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Next Time, Use Lube.


Why Crime Does Pay.

So as mentioned before, my car got broken into and a few personal effects were taken hostage.

Well today I found out some great news. The deductible on my renter's insurance is $500. The amount of items stolen (since car stereo doesn't count) $500. Money coming back to me...$0.00. Of course, the cost of the window is well below my car insurance, so I won't even try to claim there, especially since that insurance would skyrocket. So once again I = -$175.00.

So basically I get robbed and screwed to the tune of -$800.00. GG

Monday, March 13, 2006

You may take my iPod, but you'll never take my freedom!

So, um, yeah. My car was broken into again.

This time the window was smashed and I was looted. Fun stuff I must say. It didn't get me as down as it did the last time, although twice in 1 year is a bit excessive, that's for sure.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Organization for Dummies

So today I headed out to get a dayplanner. I've had one before, a long, long time ago, but seeing as how I actually have things "to do" on my schedule, I figured it was time again to try to attain the uncatchable goal of being organized.

Here's a list of my latest attempt:
-Mileage Record
-Notes Pages
-To Do Pages
-Receipts Log & Envelope
-Itemized Finance Report
Set of 3 different color pens

So here I am, attempting to be a businessman, I have the look, I have the schedule of one, let's just see if I can actually act like one.

Or will it just be more Star Wars Empires 2? :)

Rain Blog

I always blog about my love of rain.

Today is no different.

I wish I wasn't here.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I definately think I am tooo needy.

I need to work on that.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Writing Style

I was going over some of my old works the other day and it dawned on me (well, not really but for the sake of this post, yes) that most of my writing is very contradictory to my personality.

Most people who know me know that I am a very funny, I mean, extremely funny, seriously, so damn funny individual, yet most of my writings are highly, highly dramatic. I know it's not necessarily weird, but at times I find it odd.

Mainly the odd part about it is I find it extremely difficult to write funny. Funny to me is something that happens. I'm reactionary funny, I see something and can immediately find something funny in it. But when it comes to sitting down and mapping out funny, I'm pretty sure I suck.

I've tried my hand at a comedy, and really need to dig it out to see exactly how it reads now, I know some people go it, but not quite sure how others will interpret.

*ben's edit*
Of course, coming from a guy who's body of work contains a children's story entitled "Hoppity, the lop-eared bunny" interpretation of me will often lead to more confusion.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Full Circle

When I was just beginning college I wanted to be a screenwriter. I wanted to create and have people to bring to life my creations. I wanted a blank canvas and unlimited imagination to be at my disposal.

Then I fell into life's common trap. I became a worker bee. Nine to five, day in, day out. Grind, grind, grind. Dreams were replaced by reality, time taken up by paying the bills.

Years later. Many, many years.

I am back at my screenwriting roots. Once again with a blank canvas and unlimited imagination seeping out of every pore. I love the fact that I'm back to the point where I once was. And it sure beats if I would've fallen back on my childhood ambition.

Can you imaging, Ben the Minister. Yeah. I'm laughing too.

El Libro

So in terms of procrastination, I've had the outline of my book written for a while now, while I've completely revamped the way I want it to look, I'm going to stick with the basic guide of it.

That being said, I wrote out 4 pages last night. Yay me! Granted, those are 8 x 10 pages, so we'll see how it actually translates into smaller sizes, but hey, a start is a start, right?

Actually ideas are flowing and that's a great sign. I have a marketing idea already worked out, and I'm going to be trying to get an advance from them. :) I'm sure it's hell freezes over, but hey, it's worth a shot, right?