Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Writing Style

I was going over some of my old works the other day and it dawned on me (well, not really but for the sake of this post, yes) that most of my writing is very contradictory to my personality.

Most people who know me know that I am a very funny, I mean, extremely funny, seriously, so damn funny individual, yet most of my writings are highly, highly dramatic. I know it's not necessarily weird, but at times I find it odd.

Mainly the odd part about it is I find it extremely difficult to write funny. Funny to me is something that happens. I'm reactionary funny, I see something and can immediately find something funny in it. But when it comes to sitting down and mapping out funny, I'm pretty sure I suck.

I've tried my hand at a comedy, and really need to dig it out to see exactly how it reads now, I know some people go it, but not quite sure how others will interpret.

*ben's edit*
Of course, coming from a guy who's body of work contains a children's story entitled "Hoppity, the lop-eared bunny" interpretation of me will often lead to more confusion.


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