Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Watchout, I'm a badass

That's right, fear me bitches. I have a rep and once you get those, they never leave you. Ever. Well, until you get married, born again, die. Whatever. Conversation between my friend and I earlier.

F: I know... it's that sieze the day mentality!
B: I'm going to hell
F: Yes you are
B: 2 times!!
B: Just kidding, I'm not bad at all
F: You're really bad compared to me
B: lol, thanks
B: bastard
B: But then again, so is a racoon
F: True dat
B: mainly just because of the bandit mask

I really should log more of my instant messenger conversations, sometimes I'm just brilliant or we get into an incredibly funny exchange.

It's fun teasing the friends, I live a different lifestyle then the one I used to have and share with them. I'm more of a free bird and enjoy living a different life.

I enjoy driving during a monsoon to play poker at 11pm at night. :) who doesn't?!


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