Wednesday, May 18, 2005

An Opinion of One

I've wondered why people can't see what I see, is it that they just don't understand, or just want to comprehend.

So to the one person who doesn't believe, I say this:

I am incredible. Phenominal even, and capable of doing anything I think of. I have the entire world at my fingertips and if I so desired, I could change it. Any job I want, I can have, any person I desire can be me mine. You've known me for a long time so you should've have seen this fact by now, you should've been supportive of me and helped me choose a life that would've benefited us. Instead you're judgemental, you doubt, and I wonder if you will ever believe. That's why I am saying this to you, I AM INCREDIBLE. You need to start believing that, because it's never too late.

The shame in this that the one person who doesn't believe me.


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