I wish there was more I could do to see you smile, I feel like such a drain when I'm helpless to help.
Riding Solo On A Bicycle Built For Two
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Shower, Rinse, Repeat
Time to break the cycle.
It's a fresh day, it's a tremendous day actually, and my life is about to change dramatically.
I can't wait.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty
I read this and thought it was waaaaaaaayyyyyyy to funny to not share with the rest of the world (read: the 2 people that check this blog)
Before sex, a vagina looks like a flower, ready to blossom, fragrant and soft.
After sex, it looks like a bulldog got into a jar of mayonaise.
Now I don't even believe that to be 100% true, but considering I laughed so hard I left a stain on my chair, I figured I should share. Even if it were true, I'm a male and we have testicles, which are quite possibly the most unattractive things ever. Well, except for mine. They're made of gold and covered with glitter and puppy dogs.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I feel like my brain has been scrambled. My brain has always been a problem with me, as it's over-activeness causes me to over-think, over-analyze, and over-blow things.
Right now I would kill to have a brain fry where the only thought left in my head is...
"Get your ass to Mars, get your ass to Mars..."
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
G'Bye Mate
Despite the fact that many would call me a celebriwhore, I don't devote many pages to the gossip and lives of the rich and famous. However, today is an exception.
Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin died this weekend.
I watched many a show of his and was constantly in awe of a man who would come face to face with creatures that could easily snap him in two, if not worse. While his show was entertainment, Steve was an incredible face for a creature that is considered to be the last remaining ancestor of the dinasaurs. His work with the Australia Zoo and tourism in general in Australia was amazing. But more importantly, he will be missed as a husband and father.
Rest In Peace, Mr. Irwin.