Friday, December 31, 2004

New Years Eve

Just wanted to wish everyone a safe day today, and a Happy 2005. I for one am glad that 2004 is over, cause basically, the year sucked really, really bad.

See you on the flip side.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas Commercials

Seriously, what is the fucking deal with them?

If I had readers, I'd make a poll, but since only 1 person reads this, I won't. But how many people do you know that get a car for Christmas? How about NOT ONLY a diamond ring, but ALSO your parents flown out to Europe as well. Of course, why not, that's only $10,000 at least, we all have that kind of money.

What about commercials for the average American? How about someone paying $450 for gifts that only cost $200 because they put them on their credit card and couldn't pay it off for a year. A family exchanging $10 dvd's because that's all they can afford?

It's hard enough dealing with our normal shit that we do daily, but now, we have to deal with this false reality of how people are spending their Christmases. There's your next Reality TV show, Extreme Christmas Present makeover.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Be A Man And Admit It

I hear it all too often "Nah, that's a chick flick". No, it's just a guy trying to be too masculine for a movie.

There's a huge difference between "Chick Flicks" and "Date Movies". I'll break it down for those who think that going to a movie will make them gay.

Date movies usually are romantic comedies. Romance for the ladies, comedy for the guys. Most date movies do well in the box office and aren't that bad of overall movies. The comedy is usually the redeeming part of the movie that will get a guy to stay awake through the movie. Bridget Jones was good romantic comedy, enjoyable for both males and females.

Chick flicks have no redeeming value whatsoever. They usually involve someone dying slowly for a disease, women crying for scenes on end, and the only laughter comes when the credits are being rolled. Bed of Roses is one of these movies.

Now guys movies, usually involve nudity, multiple deaths, and/or fart jokes. But that's a different day.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

My Future Self and I

Well, we're barely into December and I've already been visited by the Ghost of Christmas Future. It was sad really, but pretty much what I expected. A lonely man, seeking out the simple pleasure in his life, enjoying his day by himself, consumed in his own little world.

I don't mind that that is my future, I often wonder what 'could have been', but I do realize what I've done to become who I am, and eventually, who I will be. It's a shame I'm only 27.