Christmas Commercials
Seriously, what is the fucking deal with them?
If I had readers, I'd make a poll, but since only 1 person reads this, I won't. But how many people do you know that get a car for Christmas? How about NOT ONLY a diamond ring, but ALSO your parents flown out to Europe as well. Of course, why not, that's only $10,000 at least, we all have that kind of money.
What about commercials for the average American? How about someone paying $450 for gifts that only cost $200 because they put them on their credit card and couldn't pay it off for a year. A family exchanging $10 dvd's because that's all they can afford?
It's hard enough dealing with our normal shit that we do daily, but now, we have to deal with this false reality of how people are spending their Christmases. There's your next Reality TV show, Extreme Christmas Present makeover.
AMEN!!!! NO car or ring for me!!! But I do know someone who got a car for their birthday, but they are leasing it. I am amazed when people say they spend $1,000 on Christmas. I have a budget! $700 / 13 = Shannon's christmas presents. For real people. Get a budget and stick to it!
I got my hubby a pair of pj's for $20 at JC Penney. He got me a pair of jeans for $20. Especially with the events going on in Indonesia, I feel like most Americans are "horribly wealthy" meaning we can afford mostly anything, but we're horrid because we only just buy ourselves cup after $5 cup of Starbucks, and designer clothes while other people starve and suffer from dysentery. IMHO
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