In case this is the where you read and said that I was being dramatic and offered a suggestion as to what would help me, I'll explain.
I have, that's never been a problem or the solution to the problem. In fact, it was this last time that got me thinking about you again. Surprisingly I was not thinking about you in terms of in bed or anything like that, but it was everything else. It was the comfort of you being next to me, the joy of seeing you in my house when I came home, it was you.
I love you with my heart. All of it. I had hoped that burying myself into others would help distract myself and help me move on, but each and every time I was left realizing that sex wasn't distracting me from the love I missed.
So I'm trying to get over you and believe me I'm trying to not bother you with it. But it's love, I can't control the feelings I have, I can only stop texting you with "Will you Marry Me?"