Is it really stalking?
When I get bored at work, I Google. No, I don't google myself, if I tried that I'd probably get caught. I google people. Which people? Well, if I know your first and last name odds are I've googled you. And you didn't even know it. *I will not take responsibility for any paternity tests issued on the claims of my googling however*
Classmates from school K-College
Friends, Enemies, Frenemies
There is no malice in my googling, I just like having as much information in my head as possible. If I knew you, it's nice to know how you're doing. If I've just met you, it's nice to know what you've been up to. The best decisions are always made when you have the most information on the subject as possible, so why not? I'm definately not trying to reconnect with everyone or fantasize about "what if" scenarios, I just enjoy knowledge. On many instances while reminiscing with friends they have said "remember s0-and-so, I wonder what happened to them" and I've actually at times been able to respond and tell them what they've been up to. I don't deny where I get my information, it's no secret as anyone can find it but by knowing it I've made the friend I want to keep happy by answering their question. And by making them happy, I've made myself happy, and the world is a better place. Yay!
Which reminds me of a Seinfeld episode...
Seth: Jerry? It's me Seth! Remember, we used to hang out with Moochie.
Jerry: Seth! How are you?
Seth: Good
Jerry: What's Moochie up to?
Seth: He's dead.