Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ode To Bunnies

I was at the right place, but it must have been the wrong time
Because I had never in my life expected, the bunny that I might find
We were both in a place where we needed a smile
So we agreed to go out after getting to know for a while
We went to a hall full of numbers and old bitties
And despite what you would think, I wasn't after her titties
Talking and walking, and pulling the arms of some slots
Instead of the typical night of boozing, of snoozing, and shots
It came time to leave and to say our goodbyes
But the valets lost her keys, HA! those silly guys
We waited and waited while as the search took some time
I secretly enjoyed it because it gave us more time
I gave her my arm as we helped search the lot
It was out of compassion, although damn she was hot

to be continued...

Saturday, April 22, 2006


I find things funny.

Lots of things.

I'd list them, but there would be too much to list.

But things are funny to me. Very funny.

le teehee

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Working Hard

So the other day, I had an idea of what I would impliment if I was the Operations Manager (which I am) here. Granted, this will never happen because old ways are embraced.

Every salesman here has a pc, yet their usage of it consists of our accounting program to write up orders, and searching the internet for porn.

Word, Excel, Outlook are all basically foreign terms here. So of course, I'd impliment a sink or swim idea. Basically, when they'd come in one day, they would find the entire workplace completely void of pens, pencils, and paper.

Welcome to 2006.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Little Green Monsters

I'm a jealous guy, not sure if I've admitted it before on here, I probably have, but I'm too lazy to search back and know for sure. But I'll admit it again now, I'm a jealous guy. Very jealous. It doesn't always show too often, I'm not proud of my jealousy, so I conceal it, let it eat me away inside, you know, the healthy stuff. :)

One of the flaws picked up from my overly "fair" mother is my desire for fairness. Don't give me the same job as someone else, and then pay me less. I will find a way to even things out, I'm a master at that.

Of course, where the jealousy kicks in is in relationships, and my desire for fairness in them. For some silly reason I take it personally if I'm not treated like everyone before me. If the last guy was greated at the door with his pipe and slippers, damnit, I want to be greated at the door with my pipe and slippers too. And if you wiped the last guy's butt, damnit, I need mine wiped too, I don't care if he was in a coma, equality is key!

I know we do different things for different people and each situation has different contributing factors, but in the world in my head sometimes, I fail to see the difference.

And that my friends, is one of my few flaws. And I do mean few.

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Elderly

I'm not sure why but elderly people always seem to affect me. Usually it stirs a sadness in me that I can't quite trace the orgins of.

Today I saw an old man walking along, I passed him as he was drinking his coffee. It hit me all at once, the smell of the coffee, the wrinkles in his face and hands, and the feeble smile as we passed. I thought about the history he must have, the events he's lived through, the family, the lovers, the children. The stories he could tell.

Then I wonder if he's lonely, does he go home to someone equally as weathered, or is his life on it's last sprint and he retires home alone, to read the paper, watch the news, and go off to bed at 7pm, only to repeat the next day.

And that makes me cry.



Wednesday, April 12, 2006

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Rabbi Nachum always started with some antics:
"Okay, okay, stop me if you've heard this one...
so we walk into a bar..."

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Take me out to the crowd

The smell of grass, hot dogs, and beer spilt on concrete. Ah yes, baseball has begun.

I miss playing, that's for sure. Mentally I could still hack it, physically I'd be reduced to a pile of painful tears by the 6th inning. Ok, maybe not. But my knees can't take it, and my bat speed is no where near where it should be.

But I'm in a fantasy league, so I'll be following this season very closely, and that's always fun.