Going Postal, it's not just for postmen anymore
"the computer is doing that thing it was doing the other day"
I wish that was a joke, but it's a direct quote. I thought of sarcastic comebacks "you mean: processing? showing the keys you push on screen? printing?"
Who am I kidding, I'm nice. "Just hit 0 then enter until you get to the main login screen and then re-login and you'll be fine."
"I already did that"
"I'll be right there" I hang up the intercom. I'm pissed, most likely it's visible. If he already did it, then the problem wouldn't be there. He either didn't do it, or closed the program and restarted it, like he's prone to do, which I've told him not to do many, many times. I get in his office and see the obvious, he didn't do what he said he had done. I repeat my instructions in person and walk out of the office.
How do you mis-type when you type 5 words per minute?!
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