I am, at times, one of the laziest people you will ever meet. It's not that I lack things to do, or the time to do them properly, I just get distracted, easily. Now I've thought for a while that I might have a form of ADD, but it's not like I'm bouncing off the walls hopping from one thing to another like a rabbit on crack, I just shrug off what needs to be done in exchange for doing something that appeals to me, which more times then not is just sitting there watching tv, playing poker on the interweb, or taking a nap.
I've never quite figured out how to combat this constant state of lethargy I just sort of deal with it. Sure, when I need to get stuff done, I have no problems. It's getting stuff done when I don't
need to that I seem to struggle, the times when I
should do it.
Want to know why I'm writing this post? It's simple, there's something I
should be doing but I'm not, because I don't quite
need to do it yet.