Wednesday, October 26, 2005

It's a nice day for a white wedding

I don't know about you guys, but this picture pisses me off to no end.

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I was at Michael's last night (because I'm masculine like that) and I saw that as I was walking around. Haha, it's funny, the wife has to force the husband to stay at the wedding otherwise he'd run away. Actually, it's not that funny. If you're seriously looking at that as your cake topper, you need to re-evaluate your relationship.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I am, at times, one of the laziest people you will ever meet. It's not that I lack things to do, or the time to do them properly, I just get distracted, easily. Now I've thought for a while that I might have a form of ADD, but it's not like I'm bouncing off the walls hopping from one thing to another like a rabbit on crack, I just shrug off what needs to be done in exchange for doing something that appeals to me, which more times then not is just sitting there watching tv, playing poker on the interweb, or taking a nap.

I've never quite figured out how to combat this constant state of lethargy I just sort of deal with it. Sure, when I need to get stuff done, I have no problems. It's getting stuff done when I don't need to that I seem to struggle, the times when I should do it.

Want to know why I'm writing this post? It's simple, there's something I should be doing but I'm not, because I don't quite need to do it yet.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Thanksgiving Day

So over the weekend I was fortunate enough to have my front tire fly off my car as I was doing 60mph on the freeway. (it was my exit, I normally don't drive that slow). I skidded to a stop on the shoulder and contemplated my luck. And as it turns out, I am extremely lucky.

At that moment I had 2 people willing to drop whatever it was that they were doing to come to my aid, and I'm grateful for that, and extremely lucky to have found them. What's funny about these two incredible people is that we are all different, but in many ways, we are all the same. We are 3 of the most giving people you will come across. It's just in our nature to have those around us happy and comfortable.

When we're together we're hilarious, an unstopable trio of comedy like Billy Crystal, Robin Williams, and Whoopi Goldberg when they did the Oscars. Ok, maybe not. I think we're funnier.

When we're apart, we're just as funny, and they're just as amazing, and I'm lucky, and grateful.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

to go back into the theaters, movies like this come out.

Actually, these aren't Hollywood originals (wow, there's an oxymoron!), these are a gackle of query letters sent to a Hollywood agent.

What's funny about this is the fact that I hate query letters and stupid ideas, and this site basically is both. As a screenwriter you spend months and months pounding out a script full of dialogue, because if it's not, it's a book, ya know? After that, you have to transform that script into about 5 lines of prose (a query letter) to send off to an agent in hopes that they'll read your script. Of course, 5 lines is a horrible representation of a 110 page script, but oh well, that's the system. I mean, I'm sure that this query letter in no way comes near to summing up the brilliance of this script:

"A scriptwriter tries to kill himself after his latest script is rejected, resulting in a drug induced coma, and his confinement in a mental asylum. He awakens 3 yrs later to discover, much to his astonishment, that he has continued to write. He meets a beautiful woman sent to investigate his past, and also to procure the production rights to his works, from the asylum's Director. Their romantic attraction and his consciousness becomes a threat to the doctor, and with his worsening hallucinations he finds himself the prime suspect in a murder investigation."

Friday, October 07, 2005

Squeaky, squeaky

So my car has been making a squeaking sound of late. No matter where I go, I squeak, continuously. Well the good news is I've diagnosed it and fixed it all by myself. The problem is a loose break pad, the solution is even more simple, when I turn up my music, I can't hear the squeaking anymore. Problem solved.

Close your eyes, and count to 30

Last night I wanted to run and hide. I almost did, I started to, but I didn't. I came back home. With so many things I'm told I can't be, or won't be, I've realized one thing... I can at least be strong.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Write Stuff

So in the midst of all the other projects I've been working on, I've decided to dust off my golf company pitch and continue moving forward on my book.

I think my book idea might work, it's simple yet dramatic and moving. Plus it's from a perspective that I haven't seen too much of around, so that is always a good thing.

As for the golf project, well, that would definately be nice because it should be lots and lots of fun, not to mention, I'd get to play more golf. However it's landing it that is the tough part.

Monday, October 03, 2005

I am, Doll Parts

That title is true, if and only if, the doll is...Zach Morris.

I was thinking about it earlier today as I was watching Saved by the Bell this morning (shutup). It was the episode in which they are running a news morning show and Screech is the "chef" and his grandma's spaghetti sauce is the most popular item at Bayside.

Zach of course decides to sell and market the sauce (using the schools supplies) and of course, hilarity ensues.

I'm a lot like Zach in that people have the perception of me that I'm always searching for the next "Get Rich Quick" scheme. That's true, but not entirely. It's not that I'm looking to get rich quick, I'm just looking to take off on my own. I want to work for myself, I want to have my own company. And of course, be so freaking rich and can buy a sea lion.