Tuesday, November 30, 2004

On The 13th Day Of Christmas

I'm not looking forward to the Christmas Holiday this year. Normally I love Christmas. The crisp air, love all around, giving, kindness, family. This year it's just cold, poor, and ugh, happy couples. Bah Humbug.

I'm trying to find ways to make this an enjoyable holiday season for me. I think I have a few, it's just the matter of getting off my ass and doing them. We'll see, it could be fun.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

My father's family name being Pirrip...

I read blogs a lot. A LOT. Sometimes I'll spend hours reading through many different blog sites, specific journals, just to read and see how other people view life. I have a handfull that I check almost daily, people that inspire me to write, read, and live life to the fullest.

Of course, problems also arrive from reading these e-mails. The biggest one is the fact that I'd love to help some of these people out. A couple of them are really creative, really talented writers/people, that I wish I could just make their lives easier so that they'd be able to blossom. Kind of like "Great Expectations" where Pip has a benefactor, only to find out it's his father. At least I believe, it was forever and a day since I read that book.

I've always wished for a day when someone would make my financial troubles go away, and allow me to live life free of financial responsibility and also the finances to try with whatever endeavor strikes me at the moment.

Unfortunately, that day will never come, so for me, it's back to the daily grind.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Love/Hate Relationship

Everyone has one, something we just love to hate, or hate that we love it. For me, it's the gym. I love working out, I like how healthy I feel the next day, the tightness in my muscles, and just the overall self-satisfaction of doing something productive. However I just HATE going to the gym. The physical process of removing my ass from couch, to car, then to gym is just such a deterrent sometimes. Well, a lot of times actually.

Even then, once I get to the gym I'm so excited about what I'm going to do, oh I'm going to do this and this and this and...is it time to go yet, I'm bored. Sometimes I do wonder if I have ADD.

Either that or it's just that I'm a results guy, and the gym (especially for me) doesn't bring quick results. I want the bigger biceps, but like Veruca Salt screamed "I want it now". Don't get me started on the process that is building a set of 6-pack abs.

Ok, I guess I'm done ranting as usual, just had to get something out.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Writer's Overflow

Everyone knows about 'Writer's Block', but what about the opposite? That's where I'm at right now, I'm tossing around a couple of different entries, as well as arranging pictures for even more entries, but I'm so full of words, that are all trying to come out at once, they're essentially, blocking the hole of creative flow. I'd been staring this blank form for a while now while jamming the knife into the ketchup bottle that is my brain, trying to get something to come out, and it's not working too well.

Can someone turn me upside down and start smacking? Please?